Coordinator & developers

jMRUI is the outcome of the collaborative work of many people from signal-processing researchers developing and improving the algorithms interfaced by jMRUI, to the software engineers who have coded the interface simplifying the use of the processing algorithms. They are loosely classified as Developers or Contributors depending on the amount of work contributed to the jMRUI software. The criteria is, to some extent, arbitrary and we apologise in advance for this. In any case, whether as developers or contributors, they deserve public acknowledgement, and we are bound by

the debt immense of endless gratitude.

John Milton

Software Development Coordinator

The jMRUI software is maintained and enhanced by the contributions of all developers and contributors, and their work is finally assembled into a new version under the direction of the appointed Software Development Coordinator.

Current coordinator

Institute of Scientific Instruments
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Královopolská 147
612 64 Brno
Czech Republic
E-mail: jana dot starcukova at isibrno dot cz

Past coordinators

jMRUI development was coordinated by Danielle GRAVERON-DEMILLY from Université Claude Bernard Lyon-1 (France) for almost two decades.  As Danielle Graveron retired in 2012, Jana Starčuková took over the software coordination. Nevertherless, Danielle Graveron is still involved in the jMRUI software development and actively contributes towards improving it.

Although they were not formally appointed as coordinators, we should mention that Ron de Beer and Aad van den Boogaart coordinated the development of the early Matlab-based MRUI.


These are the people who play or has played a major role in the development of the early Matlab-based version of MRUI and the current Java-based version of jMRUI. Most of them, have participated in the European Union research projects backing the development of MRUI and jMRUI.

Key developers

Amongst all developers, we must single out those who have played a major role in the development of MRUI & jMRUI because of their long commitment and the shear size of their contribution:

  • Aad van den Boogaart —MSc in Applied Physics from the Technische Universiteit Delft, and Ph.D. on Biochemistry from St George’s, University of London— developed the first version of MRUI from 1991 to 1995 as part of his thesis on the use of signal processing algorithms to obtain biochemical relevant information from magnetic resonance spectra. He continued to work further on the development of MRUI from 1995 until 1997 as a postdoc at the Université Claude Bernard (Lyon, France) and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium).
  • Alexandre Naressi and César Couturier —Computer Sciences Engineers from the the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (Lyon, France). They developed the very first Graphical User Interface of jMRUI in Java during the years 1998 and 1999. This task included the conversion of the standalone Fortran programs into C/C++ wrapped Fortran-libraries that could be called from Java by using the Java Native Interface (JNI).
  • Dan Stefan —Computer Sciences Engineer from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (Lyon, France)— played a major role in the development of jMRUI during more than ten years, and he was a key person in the redesign and improvement of the software architecture and graphical user interface. In particular, on 2007-2008 Dan completely refactored the code in version 3.x and turned jMRUI into a plug-in platform.

All developers

Victor AdalidUniverity of Bern (Switzerland)
Diana Raluca AmarieiUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Abdul-Rahman AlloucheUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Ron de BeerUniversity of Delft (Netherlands)
Christine BolligerUniverity of Bern (Switzerland)
Aad van den BoogaartSt. George's Hospital Medical School (United Kingdom)
Aad van den BoogaartUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Aad van den BoogaartKatholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Miquel E. CabañasUniversitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Sophie CavassilaUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Federico Di CesareUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Daniel ChongUniverity of Bern (Switzerland)
Alain CoronUniversité Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
César CouturierUniversity of Delft (Netherlands)
Jean-Marie DevosNational Technical Univ. Athens (Greece)
Danielle GraveronUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Rui GuimaraesInstitute for Language and Speech Processing (Greece)
Ana Jorge GonçalvesUniversity of Manchester (Great Britain)
Paul Van HeckeKatholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Maike HöfemannUniverity of Bern (Switzerland)
Sabine Van HuffelKatholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Remi HuynhUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Michal JablonskiCzech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Merlijn JanssenUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Eric JulloUniversity of Leipzig (Germany)
Arno KnijnIstituto Superiore Rome (Italy)
Roland Kreis Univerity of Bern (Switzerland)
Christian LabadieMax Planck Institute, Leipzig (Germany)
Andrii LazarievUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Christophe MangeatUniversity of Leipzig (Germany)
Gwenaelle MarcouUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
David MarquisUniversity of Delft (Netherlands)
Nicola MastronardiUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France).
Olivier MayensonUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Farid MitriUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Alexandre NaressiUniversity of Leipzig (Germany)
Dirk van OrmondtUniversity of Delft (Netherlands)
Thomas PetitUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Emil PopaUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Herald RabesonUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France) 
Alexandre RamembasonUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Helene RatineyUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Michael SdikaUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Amir Mohammad Shamaei Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Diana SimaKatholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
Johannes SlotboomUniversity Hospital Bern (Switzerland)
Zenon StarčukCzech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Jana StarčukováCzech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic)
Dan StefanUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Jens TotzUniversity of Leipzig (Germany)
Mariano UbertiUniversité Claude Bernard - Lyon 1 (France)
Elena VescovoUniversity of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Leentje VanhammeKatholieke Universiteit
Leuven (Belgium)
Frank WajerUniversity of Delft (Netherlands)


The above list is a non exhaustive list of people who have contributed to jMRUI. There are also many other people who have contributed a minor improvement to the jMRUI software: a routine to convert a new format of data, a bug fix, a wise suggestion on how to improve the software,  technical information about some data format, etc. We are very grateful to all of them but it is almost impossible to name everyone. Since the definition of minor improvement is to some extent arbitrary, if you think that your contribution merits you a place amongst developers, please, do not hesitate to write us and we will carefully address your request. We have done our best to mention all  major developers, but if you cannot find your name, please, accept our most sincere apologies and tell us so that we can fix the grievance.
