jMRUI is proprietary software made available only to registered users under certain license terms. Also, you must be logged in to download the software.
Current beta version
- jMRUI v. 6.0 beta, released on 2017-02-10
Microsoft Windows
Download (76.2 MB)(log in required) Downloaded: 1,807 times
- Requires: 32-bit Java 7 or newer (tested with Oracle Java)
- Installation note: After downloading the jMRUI zip-file, uncompress it in the directory of your choice and run the “jmrui-6.0-beta-windows-setup.exe” file to install jMRUI properly on 64-bit platforms. If you do not have 32-bit Java installed on your 64-bit Windows platform, please install it first.
- Hardware requirements: check Java requirements
- Tested on Windows 7 and 8 (Desktop).
- Download also the SpectrIm test dataset (see below)
Download (84.4 MB)(log in required) Downloaded: 434 times
- Requires: 32-bits Java 7 or newer (tested with Oracle Java). Also requires the libg2c 32-bits library (e.g. on Ubuntu 14.04 you would have to install the package libg2c0_3.4.6-6ubuntu3_i386.deb)
- Installation note: After downloading the jMRUI zip-file, uncompress it in the directory of your choice and read the“readme.txt” file to learn how to install jMRUI properly on 64-bit platforms. In case you want to use the NMRScopeB plug-in, also read the “readme_nmrscopeb.txt”.
- Hardware requirements: check Java requirements
- Tested on Debian 8.0 “Jessie”, CentOS 7.0 and Ubuntu 14.04
- Download also the SpectrIm test dataset (see below)
SpectrIm test dataset
Download (103.3 MB)(log in required) Downloaded: 448 times
- Installation note: After downloading the dataset file, unzip the file in a directory of your choice. Then, start SpectrIm plug-in from within jMRUI and select File>Mount directory… to enter the directory containing the test dataset (the Mount directory option can also be launched from the Dicom file/series selector). Once the mounting task has completed, the series can be loaded by double-clicking them on the Dicom file/series selector.